Check out our Vote 4 the Best Pets winner ‘Fur Baby Comfort and Care’

A Q&A with K. C. Heitchue - owner of Fur Baby Comfort and Care

K.C. won our Vote 4 the Best Pets Edition in the Dog Walker and Pet Sitting categories. A double win!

Q: How did you get started?

A: Fur Baby Comfort & Care was started with a mix of hopes & dreams! The main inspiration behind it would be my rescue dog, Chloe. I often found myself in predicaments of needing quality pet care but not being able to find reliable sitters and when talking about the experiences I experienced with inadequate pet care with friends & family, I knew I wasn’t the only one who was in search of quality pet care.

Chloe, a German Shorthaired Pointer, and the rescue dog of K.C. Heitchue, owner of Fur Baby Comfort and Care

In addition, I was doing hobby pet sitting on the side of my 9-5 job and from simple word of mouth, I was being asked left and right to provide pet care and it eventually came to the point where I was turning away people because of my solo availability. From there, I knew I wanted and needed to make a difference in the pet care industry!

Q: Tell us about yourself. Did you grow up with pets and do you have any pets now?

A: I currently have a German Shorthaired Pointer named Chloe. I rescued her when she was a little over a year old and she just celebrated her 8th birthday. I also have a cat, her name is Nugget! Growing up, there was never a moment in my household that we didn’t have multiple animals. Ferrets, birds, turtles, fish, hamsters, dogs, cats!

My family has a farm as well and in addition to all different types of household pets, my family farm consists of pigs, goats, chickens and ducks. Whether I am working or relaxing, I am always surrounded by animals between my household and my family’s farm.

Q: Tell us about Kona, the Goldendoodle we see you with.

A: Kona is who I like to call a “Day One” client. I was walking Kona before Fur Baby Comfort & Care came into existence. She is so such a sweet Goldendoodle. Chloe and her have had a few play dates! Kona’s mom was so excited when I mentioned the idea of the business to her originally and she’s been so supportive in general but also needs a shoutout for how many referrals she’s sent my way. Thank you, Minette!

Q: How did you hear about Vote 4 the Best? Have you ever won before?

A: I originally discovered Vote 4 The Best from a few pet care businesses that are within my network of referrals. We were nominated last year but came in third place. To come in first place in both categories this year, with being only in business for 4 years now, was so monumental!

Q: Anything you want to say to the people who voted for you?

A: Fur Baby Comfort & Care wouldn’t be what is today without all the support we receive day in and day out! First & foremost, the entire team deserves to be recognized because without the amazing team that backs Fur Baby Comfort & Care, we wouldn’t have the reputation we currently have.

All of the team members are beyond devoted to the pet care we services we provide and every single team member goes above and beyond to ensure quality pet care. In addition, our business grows every single day because of word of mouth referrals. Thank you to all of our friends, family and current clients who support us, refer us and who voted for us for Vote 4 The Best!

Q: What is the best part and most challenging part of your job?

A: The most rewarding part of what we do would be the appreciation we receive. We receive so many reviews and messages from our clients that are beyond heartwarming. There are some really, really tough days - both physically & mentally and when a client goes out of their way to recognize and show appreciation, it truly ends up being the driving force behind what we do.

The most challenging part would be, as a business owner, wearing all the hats that it takes to keep a business afloat. Not only am I working physically in the field but I am also scheduling, marketing, bookkeeping, the list goes on & on. You name it, I’m doing it and wearing so many hats creates many challenges along the way.

In general, I would say the most challenging part of what we do as a whole, is down to setting boundaries and not overworking yourself. I put a huge emphasis on mental health for myself and my entire team. It is SO easy to overwork yourself in this industry but it comes down to the fact you have to take care of yourself before you can fully take care of someone else, pets included. Having boundaries and setting a balance with work and life can be a challenge, especially with how busy we are but it so important to put at the top of the priority list.

Q: Anything else you’d like to add?

A: In short, passion is what drives me. The passion I have for creating a difference in the pet industry is what has created Fur Baby Comfort & Care to be as successful as it is today. I want the best for not only my pets but the pets in my community as well. I am constantly learning and growing as a business owner, a pet care advocate and as a person in general and I love knowing our clients get to experience that drive, passion and the heart and soul behind Fur Baby Comfort & Care.

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